Stern Grove


Countless art, music, dance, 剧院组织全年都在创作和制作出色的户外表演.

Year-round, 贝博体彩app和周围的海湾地区为居民和游客提供了温和的气候, 这意味着在户外做事几乎总是很舒服的! 只是一定要多穿几层,这样你就可以舒适地度过一整天.

贝博体彩app不仅拥有宜人的天气,还是一个文化热点. Countless art, music, dance, 戏剧组织全年都在创作和制作出色的表演. And, 多亏了我们宜人的气候和许多美丽的户外公园和场馆, many of these happen outside.

The best part about all of this? A lot of these performances are free! So, 如果你想在贝博体彩app寻找最好的免费户外表演, you'll want to check out the following:

Golden Gate Park Bandshell

Live music returns to the Golden Gate Bandshell’s iconic stage 在音乐大厅有100多场免费演出. 登台表演的演员阵容是多样化的,而且是地方性的, with occasional international flourishes. 每个季节都有摇滚乐队和歌手/词曲作者R&B、灵魂乐、爵士、大乐队音乐家、弦乐合奏、舞者,以及许多本土明星的特色.

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass

贝博体彩app衰落的第一个迹象是 Hardly Strictly Bluegrass music festival. 有80多位艺术家在庆典上表演, you can hear country, soul, folk, 在美丽的户外环境中欣赏独立蓝调音乐. And it's free to attend! “几乎严格的蓝草”音乐节在三天的时间里迎来了超过50万的音乐节观众. In years past, 这个节日邀请了像Emmylou Harris这样的艺术家, Hazel Dickens, Gillian Welch, Earl Scruggs, and many others.

Shakespeare in the Park

观看优秀的现场戏剧与贝博体彩app莎士比亚节的免费表演 Shakespeare in the Park. Produced every year in San Francisco, Pleasanton, and Cupertino from July to October, 公园里免费的莎士比亚为30多人提供了机会,000 people to see high-quality, professional theater free of charge. 40年过去了,演出依然很火爆!

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass
“几乎严格的蓝草”音乐节每年在金门公园的赫尔曼山谷举行,为期三天. Credit: Photo by Scott Chernis

Opera at the Ballpark

Every fall, the San Francisco Opera hosts with Opera at the Ballpark这是一场在美丽的甲骨文公园(Oracle Park)举行的现场表演的免费户外电视直播. This year, the performance will be "La Traviata", with three opera stars—Pretty Yende, Jonathan Tetelman, 和Simone piazzola在贝博体彩app首次亮相. The event is free, but RSVPs are required.

Yerba Buena Gardens Festival

The Yerba Buena Gardens Festival isn't just a short event; in fact, 这是一个为期六个月的系列音乐会和户外活动,对公众完全免费. 该系列从5月持续到10月,包括广泛的表演类型, including poetry readings, puppet shows, global music concerts, dance recitals, solo singer-songwriter shows, and much, much more. 你可以期待在这里看到现场表演 Yerba Buena Gardens nearly every day of the week, 你可以乘坐捷运或Muni到鲍威尔或蒙哥马利街站.

Opera at the Ballpark

Stern Grove Festival

Stern Grove is a San Francisco summer tradition. For more than 80 summers, 游客和当地人都可以在这座城市最美丽的景点之一免费观看传奇表演. 是的,你没看错,免费的,但你需要在每场演出前在网上购票. Stern Grove, 一个被巨大的桉树包围的天然圆形剧场, redwood, and fir trees, 是北加州最受欢迎的音乐会场地之一吗.

The Stern Grove Festival

Author Brenda Tucker
Brenda Tucker

布伦达·塔克是贝博体彩app旅游艺术营销总监. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, 她开车穿过乡村来到一户人家,没人见她. 布伦达全年都喜欢户外游泳, 受到伦敦金融城令人难以置信的艺术场景的启发, and living in the best place on earth.